Help! I’m in My 40s and Still Get Acne

Help! I’m in My 40s and Still Get Acne

You might expect acne to be gone after your teen years but sometimes it continues to affect you in your 40s. Learn more about why and how to get rid of it.

You might expect acne to stop being a problem after your teen years. But for some women, the problem persists until their 40s or reappears with a vengeance. Acne is never something to feel happy about but it’s especially irritating when you’re well into adulthood.

There are many possible reasons for having acne in your adult years, from your hormones to your diet. While it’s challenging to deal with, you can get help for it. The providers at 19th Street Dermatology in Washington, DC, explain more about what you can do about adult acne.

What Causes Acne?

Contrary to some popular belief, acne often happens outside of puberty. Acne is caused by a variety of different factors. Some of the most common causes include:

  • Genetics
  • Environmental factors
  • Diet
  • Hormonal fluctuations

Hormonal fluctuations are one of the biggest factors in getting acne in your 40s. Much like during puberty, your hormones shift rapidly in your 40s. 

How Hormones Impact Acne

Your hormones begin to shift in your late 30s or early 40s. This is part of perimenopause, the transition toward the end of your menstrual cycle.

Declining estrogen levels are largely responsible for acne. When you’re in your 20s, your body naturally produces more estrogen. This can help your skin stay smooth and keep breakouts at bay, although you can still break out due to other factors.

How to Minimize Acne

One of the first essential things you can do to minimize acne is to avoid touching your face. Your hands are often covered in bacteria, which you can transfer to your face when you touch it.

We also encourage keeping your hair away from your face, especially if you have oily hair. You should wash your face and follow a twice-daily skincare regimen. Ask us if you need recommendations for appropriate cleansers and skincare. 

Finally, follow a healthy diet and make sure to drink a lot of water. Avoid fast food and junk food as much as possible. Your skin may show it if your diet begins to slip or you’re not drinking enough water.

Professional Ways to Get Rid of Acne

You may want to go to your gynecologist if you suspect that your acne has a hormonal component. They can prescribe hormone replacement therapy if they determine that you’re an appropriate candidate.

When you come to Integrated Dermatology of 19th Street, we can customize a treatment program for your acne. We may recommend a range of treatments, including:

  • An at-home skincare routine
  • Over-the-counter acne treatment products
  • Prescription acne products
  • Antibiotics
  • Isotretinoin
  • Laser treatments
  • Chemical peels

In some cases, we may also recommend cortisone injections to help shrink a pimple, particularly if it is cystic.

If you are struggling with acne, you don’t have to keep trying to cover it up. Contact the providers at 19th Street Dermatology or make an appointment online.